Praise & Prayer

We consider prayer support to be our greatest need; as our battle is a spiritual battle

“For our struggle is not against [a]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 NASB1995

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6 ESV

August 2023

Praise the Lord! Baby are currently in a “safe zone” of pregnancy. Since I am now 36.5 weeks pregnant (almost 37 weeks), our doctor says that Baby Boy is big enough to be born safely in her clinic, without medical intervention (which is only available in the public hospital, which is not a place I want to go). I am not officially due until the beginning of September, but baby could come any time this month.

Praise the Lord, Leah is back, serving here in Tactic with our hospitality staff through translation! We are grateful for her support, and look forward to finishing this team year with her, through to the beginning of October.

Continue praying for Julio and our hospitality staff. Pray for strength, energy and renewed passion as they continue serving our short-term mission teams during this busy team season.

July 2023

Please join us in prayer for the final weeks of pregnancy and birth of our baby. Julie is currently 34 weeks pregnant, and has spent 3 weeks in partial bedrest, and scheduled to spend the rest of the pregnancy in complete bedrest (lying down or reclining for the majority of the day), due to the risk of premature labor. Pray especially that baby would wait to be born until he is big enough to be born safely without medical intervention.

Pray also for Julio, and our staff as they continue serving the short term missions teams that will continue until the beginning of October. Pray for wisdom and energy, and most of all that the Lord would be present in their words and actions, making them a blessing to many.

May 2023

Praise the Lord for a growing family! Another baby boy is due in September, and we are excited to meet him.

Praise the Lord for the 15 teams and field workers that we have been able to serve so far this year. We are grateful for the opportunity to facilitate the Lord’s using short term teams to bless Guatemalans, and the opportunity to encourage North American’s in their faith journey.

Praise the Lord for Leah Haberstock, who was here for 3 months supporting our staff with translation! She enabled me to homeschool my kids by tagging along with our staff as they hosted our teams. We are equally grateful that she will be returning this fall, when our new little one is due.

Praise the Lord that we were able to host our second VIDA School of Discipleship with 2 students who are now in the follow-up portion of their year long journey. Pray that the Lord would continue to fulfill His purposes in their hearts and lives.

Pray for our hospitality staff, as we anticipate 19 more teams and field workers before the close of 2023. Pray that we would continually seek the Lord, and be filled by Him, so as to be filled to overflowing, so that we have a reservoir out of which to serve, give and bless others.

Pray for our family; as we continue homeschooling and raising children. We need the Lord’s grace and wisdom and divine direction.

Pray for mom’s & baby’s continued health and protection. Especially for energy for mom as she continues caring for other members of the family, homeschooling, and serving as well.

Pray for Marvin & Madelynne – we just registered them for summer camp for the first time (haven’t been accepted yet though). Our desire is that they would know and love the Lord and grow in their relationship with Him, and grow new friendships too.

December 2022

Praise the Lord that teams were willing to travel to Guatemala during 2022! We hosted 12 teams this year!

Praise the Lord that we were able to build deep and meaningful relationships with team members, as we spent 10 hour days with teams; both leading and translating, with the kids tagging along too.

Pray that God would provide more staff for our team in 2023, serving short-term missions teams in Guatemala; specifically a translator

Pray that our children would come to love our Lord personally

Pray that as parents, we would continue trusting that God will provide for all of the “tomorrow’s” for our family

Pray for Julio; for daily peace and that he would gain victory over worries/fears

Pray for Julie; for wisdom and divine power to administrate time in a God honoring way